The last note
Running my fingers over the contrasting keys
To hear the sound blare into my ears
While riffling through the crisp timbre paper
As the wind rustled into the open door
Forcing more air into the house
Interrupting with the music boldly
Touching my skin to breathe its coldness
It drifted through my thick tousled hair
And thumped across the surface of the fingerboard
Lovely or rather enchanting
Or perhaps a little mellifluous
Breathing passion
Free of chaos
As it soothed and flickered
In every direction
In search of its power, its time
I hit harder
Pressing into my muscles
Against the wind as the wind stirred stronger
Lost in its direction
Yet confidently gushing beneath the loud music
It waits
Until it finds a form to play along
There were times i ended my game neatly
Other times it was an incessant chaos
Or might i say a bit unseemly
But this time it was bewitching yet brawny
It disappeared when i clanged on the last note
Gushing and fainting as the chorus
Hit its last dail
And finally i smiled