Staring brazenly into his eyes
I locked them
Hoping to root out of my buried thoughts
Then waiting for just the right moment
Suddenly i am enveloped
Enveloped in his room
Feeling my heavy lids
Waiting to flicker
Yet sinking into his entangled peeper
Before I looked left and right
Porting a not so obvious laughter
Or perhaps glaring enough?
To be shrouded in the sense of his single space
I took a deep breath
And shuffled a few steps back
Coveting this irrepeatable concoction
Only to feel his hand slide over my jawline
And onto my cheeks
As my heartbeat resonates loudly
And as my breath is intoxicated in his scent
Denting into the perfect furrow
I gasped loudly
And there i laid struggling to unhitch
Rushing my last breath into powerful snaps
I stared filling those balls
For the better in the good, flapping my lids
I walked away, slipping my hands off
Feeling unfillingly renewed