How does use product psychology to increase user retention?
Let’s be realistic. Pandemic has taught people many things and increased attention to health is one of the most appreciated outcomes in the post-pandemic world. has opened a wide range of ecosystem of products and services focusing on the entirety of health.
The home page is attractive for new users for a bunch of reasons.
- Lesser cognitive load for users (shows only 4 categories in the visible screen)
- Visual anchors (automatic ads that swipe every 10 seconds)
- framing the top visible homepage (helping users by connecting with them) to enable them to make decisions faster
The above design techniques not only decrease the time spent on the platform for a particular user but also increase healthy engagement leaving the users satisfied.
Now, let’s scroll further
User (a new user to be precise) would never feel lost. There is always this help button at the tip of their fingers. Users will feel at home knowing the differences between elite, pro and live before even choosing to open them. A perfect way to onboard them! Now let’s pinch further down.
Now, instead of loading the user with a lot of information, decides to do that for them and tells them if the program is a fit. Such a neat way to increase decision making. White font on a dark background makes it obvious enough to understand and attractive enough to look at. The categories here look ready to be tapped (:P).
And again, there is an automatic 10 second swipe of the important highlights for this category making the user focus on these items also increasing the click rate.
People of cult symbolize conformation bias and give social proof to the user. The icons at the bottom are easy to understand and they are all relevant. No extra effort from the user.
And the variety of categories is what customers like. There’s workouts, there’s wellness and now healthy eating makes them feel at home for all there health related issues. Colorful pictures and videos of how to make certain dishes say more and entice the users to watch them over and over. Half finished statements attract the users to swipe for more.
The pattern repeats! The design is familiar :)
Automatic highlights that keep swiping making the user feel at home and feel right information is being provided to him as he brings his focus to the top half of the page. Decision making time is shortened with ‘continue workout’ option making the user come back to the application again.
Now, the fitness tab has some great live programs, recorded sessions, meditations and weight loss programs tapping a wide range of users in terms of goal and the user schedule. The user again has many options in front of him and can choose how he/she wants to workout in turn making the user feel a home to many of his health issues. This hands the control to the user and he is happy with this control.
The live programs track your energy meter and provide you a report of your rank and the number of calories you burnt. The user can see themselves while working out — an intuitive technique to outdo themselves every other time they workout.
Testimonials is again a social proof and there’s a help option limiting the option to go back and forth.
Offer ending timer shows scarcity and increases the chances of the user clicking them now with a possible conversion.
The wellness or the mind page has a blue background symbolizing peace and positivity perfectly reflecting the theme. It starts with a did you know fact creating awareness among the users of the problems or potential problems which is perfectly inline with today’s generation who are completely unaware of the mental/psychological issues they are facing. The floating pricing cards make the users want to click them and a great way to increase user’s conversion. And finally keeps every page consistent increasing the trust among new and existing users :)