Birthday Surprise
Sam,tall and lanky, stood seven feet. His glistening brown eyes filled his anxiety as he smirked around. He chested a brown, olive green double breasted suit over his broad shoulders. He shoved off the bother of setting his soft, blond hair. He lumped his way across the living room. He stuck opened the refrigerator to pop in a bottle of cold water.
Everything appeared unusual. The loud, clanking sound of vessels and the rushing sound of tap water were not being heard from the kitchen. The usual hot, perfumed coffee did not slip into his bare hands. Sam waited. He waited for the tang to strip into his lungs. The wait lasted no longer when he heard the strange drum beats outside his window. He chanced it might be his children playing “Little drums”. To his luck, he spotted no one there. He hovered past to find his children, but could not find them.
The clock ticked ten’ clock. Sam hasted up. He shoved in his wallet into his heavy, brown pair of jeans. He sprinted to the balcony where he presumed to have seen a women standing. There was simply no one. “That was merely an illusion”! He blots. “What’s the matter, Sam”? He knocks his head unwillingly. Sam, lost in his thoughts, slides himself to the shoe rack and stacks up a shoe. He puts on his shoes reluctantly.
To his surprise, the lights dimmed out behind him. His heart pounded faster as he shot to the face of the room. Every bit of his sweat dripped across the collar. His brown eyes sparkled in fear. He could spot no one. It was a complete black mess. No sounds were being heard. He skid in to the living room where the lights dimmed out. He lathered and propped his hands against the wall to find the switch. With a sigh of relief, he turned it on.
The room was empty. He rushed to the kitchen. It laid soundless. He cropped up the stairs. He found no one. He came back to the living room where he discerned a song “Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!” It fainted as his wife and his children approached him. “It is your birthday” his wife exclaimed. We were all awaiting this day. He bellowed “Wow! Thank you.” He received a pair of shoes from his children. He loved them and cuddled his children tamped tightly to his chest. He embraced his wife too. They all had cake in a while. Sam loved his birthday celebrations.